Come In!

That's right, come on in! Don't be shy-- and what exactly is this place anyway, you ponder? Well I will tell you ::drum roll:: --it's the new home blog to everything I, Mr. Karswell loves to post about: classic horror comics like I did with THOIA, as well as the AEET style variety of everything else that I collect, too, aka 2! Get it? Yep, it's been far too long. So, to make a stupid story even longer, I'm launching this ALL NEW blog where you can find the best of both Karswell worlds in one conveniently kooky place. We'll call it "THOIAEET2" for short, which is of course not in the least bit short, but then again when have I ever done anything the normal way anyway, eh? And let's kick it all off with a welcoming weirdie from the December 1951 issue of Strange Tales #24 with art by Vic Carrabotta --plus, an awesome cover by my hero, Bill Everett! Hopefully this story won't leave you flat after all this introductory build-up! One more thing, please be patient as I work on getting this blog up to par (Holman standards), as it's clearly still in a sort of "under construction phase." Again, welcome aboard, tell your friends, tell your enemies (don't tell my enemies though) and basically just stay tombed for tons of thrills 'n chills and fun galore-gore. I know, I know... I should've done this a year ago...


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